Course Price at:

Only for economically weaker  students

Course Overview

Free online Angular training by Iqra IT Academy helps you understand the design of single-page applications and how Angular facilities their development. This online interactive Angular training course will enable you to build responsive, enterprise-strength applications that run smoothly on desktop and mobile devices. Angular provides a robust framework that facilitates the development of richly interactive applications running on multiple platforms. Gain experience building components, creating directives, modularizing applications, and building template-driven forms.

Why You Should Take Angular Training

  • Angular is gaining popularity because of its ability to make static web pages more dynamic and allowing web designers to add more tools
  • Angular is powerful cross-platform feature allows developers to build progressive web applications and native mobile applications
  • Angular uses HTML, and that’s an important point. When it comes to defining an application’s user interface, HTML is the best choice. HTML is an intuitive and declarative language and is not as complex as JavaScript.

Training Map

Course Duration

15 Days

Training Days​

Monday to Friday 90 Minutes/Day

Training Format

Online Training

Course content:

  • Why Angular
  • History of Angular
  • The leap from AngularJS to Angular
  • Desktop Application class User Experience
  • Productivity and Tooling
  • Performance
  • Community
  • Full-featured Framework
  • Supported Browsers
  • Introduction
  • What is Typescript
  • Why Typescript
  • Setup and installation
  • IDE support
  • Scoping using let and const Keywords (ES6)
  • Template Literals (ES6)
  • Rest and Spread Parameters (ES6)
  • Destructuring (ES6)
  • Introduction to Types
  • Type inference
  • Type Annotations
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • String
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Using types in functions
  • Function as types
  • Optional and default parameters 
  • Arrow functions
  • Introduction to Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Access modifiers
  • Getters and setters
  • Read-only and static
  • Introduction to Interfaces
  • Optional properties and methods
  • Strict structural contract
  • Extending interface
  • Implementing interface
  • Angular CLI
  • Setting up a workspace
  • Updating Angular apps using ng update
  • Adding support for external libraries using ng add
  • Debugging Angular apps
  • Using the Angular Language Service with Microsoft VSCode
  • Why modules 
  • How to create modules
  • Built-in modules
  • Root Module
  • feature module
  • Introduction
  • @Component decorator
  • Component configuration object
  • Custom components
  • Component with templates
  • Inline
  • External
  • Component with Styles
  • Inline
  • External
  • Angular Elements
  • HTML as template
  • Data binding
  • Two-way binding
  • Template expressions
  • Template syntax Attribute, class, and style bindings
  • @Input()
  • @Output
  • Template reference variables
  • Safe navigation operator
  • Introduction
  • Built-in directives
  • Structural directive
  • NgIf
  • NgFor
  • NgSwitch
  • Attribute directive
  • NgClass
  • NgStyle
  • NgModel
  • Introduction
  • @angular/forms library
  • Template-driven forms
  • Form and field validation
  • Validation check with ng-pristine,ng-dirty, ng-touched, ng-untouched, ng-valid, ng-invalid
  • Show and hide validation error messages
  • Form submission with ngSubmit
  • Reactive/ Model drive forms
  • ReactiveFormsModule
  • FormGroup, FormControl classes
  • FormBuilder for easy form building
  • Validations using Validators
  • Setting form model using setValue and patchValue
  • Use FormArray to build repeated from controls or form groups


  • A browser and a text editor
  • Basic HTML and JavaScript knowledge

Training Key Features:

  • We provide video recording sessions of training so in case if student missed any class he/she can utilize those recorded sessions.
  • All our training program are based on live industry projects.
  • All our training program are based on current industry standard.

Expert Teaching

We Provide expert teaching



We Provide practicals



We provide Exams after completion of each course